Automated Batch Spray Clean


Introducing MERCURY+SP

MERCURY+SP incorporates advanced loading automation around our industry-favorite MERCURY+ system for production proven high throughput spray batch clean, etch & resist strip applications. All manual loading functions of the MERCURY system are completely automated with this upgrade, capable of integrating with your OHT/automated loading requirements.

MERCURY+ SP is perfect for fabs looking for automated high throughput wet cleaning solutions, while providing low cost-of ownership, and easy size change capabilities. SHELLBACK is the product line owner of the iconic FSI MERCURYTM /  MERCURYTM+ product line with systems, upgrades, parts and technical support worldwide.


MERCURY+SP Batch Spray System

Automated Hi Throughput / Low CoO
Clean . Etch . Resist Strip

Process Applications


MERCURY+ SP comes with the latest software enhancements to keep your system running for years to come.


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